The Law Firm of Aviv Tasa

The law firm of Aviv Tasa is one of the most experienced and highly skilled law firm in Israel in all its aspects. The experience gained by the firm together with the professional knowledge that has come over the years rank it among the leading offices in Israel. So, if you are looking for a skilled and professional law firm to accompany you throughout, we would love to be the ones you can turn to.

Aviv Tasa’s law firm and his staff are responsible for dozens of successful projects that have come to an end, plus a fair number of projects that are also in the process of being completed. The firm is working diligently to ideally complete any project and make any new or old client happy so that you are in the best hands from the beginning of the process to the end.

Areas of expertise – The Law Firm of Aviv Tasa

The firm has extensive experience and expertise in the field of real estate in all its aspects. Among the range of services provided by the firm you will find real estate taxation services, urban renewal, TAMA 38, evacuation-construction. In addition, the firm provides close support for purchasing groups, entrepreneurs, contractors and tenants.

As a Real Estate Law Firm, the firm provides a wide range of services on a variety of topics: sale deals, expropriations, collection of surcharge, reluctant tenant, condominiums, apartment splitting, tenant protection, all things related when buying a home, evicting a tenant, buying a condominium, Appreciation tax, purchase tax, construction defects and more.

So, you can be sure that if you contact the law firm of Aviv Tasa, we’ll have answers to any kinds of problems or disputes that you need resolved.

Don't come to court alone, let us represent you!

Real Estate Taxation

What is the importance of consulting a real estate tax lawyer? Aviv Tasa will provide you with close support in any purchase or sale process, knowing the most up-to-date tax laws. This way you can choose the most lucrative and right course of action for you.

Urban renewal

Are you about to begin a process of urban renewal? You need to know that this is a complex process with quite a bit of bureaucracy involved. We are here to take the burden off you, and to provide you with the ability to continue running normally without any concern.

Tama 38

Do you want to carry out a Tama 38 project soon? Do not do this without hiring the services of a specialist in the field who will assist you in dealing with the various professionals and make sure that you get the best conditions for you


Need guidance and advice on evacuation-construction process? We have extensive knowledge in the field and practical experience in dozens of projects throughout the country so that you will receive an appropriate answer to every question.
Why US?

A real estate lawyer must come with a rich resume, and no less important with excellent human relations. We at the law firm of Aviv Tasa will provide you with personal and professional guidance. So far, we have handled hundreds of satisfied client projects. We do not ever raise our hands and give up, and we will make sure that every customer and every project receives the perfect response, until the desired results are achieved.


Over 20 years of experience 


Committed to meeting deadlines


The staff is highly skilled and reliable


Available  throughout the entire process


professional support throughout


Your information will remain anonymous

Customer Reviews

ראובן הרשקוביץ
ראובן הרשקוביץ
63 סקירות
קרא עוד
המשרד המקצועי ביותר לתמ"א 38
Barry Ravid
Barry Ravid
142 סקירות
קרא עוד
משרד מצויין
Meir Giles Hazon
Meir Giles Hazon
159 סקירות
קרא עוד
משרד עורכי דין מוביל בתחום הנדל"ן
שגיא לביאוב
שגיא לביאוב
קרא עוד
ערן יצחק
ערן יצחק
192 סקירות
קרא עוד
Ido Bahbut
Ido Bahbut
קרא עוד
Contact Us

Aviv Tasa’s Law Firm - because you deserve nothing but the best

We work with full faith that we can provide our customers with the best and most professional service out there. The firm’s staff can optimally deal with complex legal problems in the field of real estate taxation or any other real estate field.

Our Lawyers

Our firm is ranked as one of the best-known in Israel.

The extensive office activity in the complex and complicated projects we led did not go unnoticed by the leading Israeli ranking directory Dun’s 100. The guide included us in the distinguished list of outstanding law firms in the field of urban renewal. We thank our clients and colleagues for their trust and collaborative work over the years and commit to continuing to provide top-notch legal services with a constant ambition to move forward.


Our Projects - Project Representation / Contractor Representation

Aviv Tasa’s Law Firm has gained extensive experience with the involvement of the highest number of completed projects. In addition, the firm handles many dozens of projects that are in various stages of execution that receive close guidance from the firm’s staff.

As head of the law firm – attorney Aviv Tasa has been in the real estate field for many years and has built up an experienced cavalry of lawyers.

He was one of the first to predict the effects of urban renewal on the Israeli economy, an influence that no one in real estate can remain indifferent to.

In conclusion

When you start a real estate project of any kind, you must be sure that there is a team of lawyers behind you. That we are here to fight for each of your rights.


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דילוג לתוכן